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Template::TT3::Base - base class for other TT modules


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package Template::TT3::ExampleModule;

use Template::TT3::Class
    version => 3.00,
    base    => 'Template::TT3::Base';


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This module implements a common base class for all other TT3 modules. It is itself a subclass of Badger::Base which provides the bulk of the functionality. Template::TT3::Base adds a number of methods that are specific to the Template Toolkit.


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This module implements the following methods in addition to those inherited from the Badger::Base base class module. Most, if not all of these methods are intended for internal use within subclass modules.


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A custom initialisation object method which looks for a hub reference in the $config configuration parameters and stores it in the $self object. If a hub is not defined as a configuration parameter then it automatically loads Template::TT3::Hub and uses its prototype (singleton) object.


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An accessor method which returns the current hub reference (a Template::TT3::Hub object). It throws an error if no hub is available. See init_hub() .


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A trivial method that simply returns the $self object reference. This is typically used by Template::TT3::Element objects as a no-op shortcut.


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Used to raise exceptions of a particular type. The $type is forwarded to Template::TT3::Exception to locate the appropriate exception module.


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Used to raise exceptions of a particular type from the perspective of a particular token element. This is typically used to report syntax errors, undefined data errors, missing resource errors, and any other kind of error that relates to a particular source code fragment.

NOTE: This and the other related methods listed below should probably be moved into the Template::TT3::Element base class.

token_error_msg($token, $format, @args)

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This method is a wrapper around token_error() use that uses the message() method inherited from Badger::Base to present the error using a pre-defined (in $MESSAGES) message format.

syntax_error($token, $message)

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A wrapper around token_error() use to raise syntax errors.

syntax_error_msg($token, $message)

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A wrapper around token_error_msg() use to raise syntax errors.

undef_error($token, $message)

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A wrapper around token_error() use to raise errors relating to undefined data values.

undef_error_msg($token, $format, @args)

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A wrapper around token_error_msg() use to raise undefined data errors.

resource_error($token, $message)

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A wrapper around token_error() use to raise errors relating to missing or invalid resources (templates, files, plugins, etc).

resource_error_msg($token, $format, @args)

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A wrapper around token_error_msg() use to raise resource errors.

dump_data_depth($data, $depth)

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This is a temporary method used for debugging. It is a wrapper around the dump_data() method which is mixed in from Badger::Debug . The $depth argument can be set to limit to depth to which the data dumper will traverse.

TODO: This method should probably be moved into Badger::Debug .


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The following methods are defined for internal use.


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This method loads the Template::TT3::Exceptions module and returns its class name.


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This method instantiates an exception object using the Template::TT3::Exceptions factory module loaded via the _exceptions() method.


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Andy Wardley


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Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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This module inherits methods from the Badger::Base base classes. It also mixes in the methods exported from the Badger::Debug module's :debug and :dump tag sets. last modified 2009-12-22 09:57:05