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Template::TT3::Developer - TT3 Developer Guide


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This will be the developer guide for TT3. Both the software and the manual are works in progress so don't expect too much at this time.


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Template::TT3::Developer::Introduction will give a general introduction to the TT3 code base.

Template::TT3::Developer::Compatibility will talk about backwards compatibility with version 2 of the Template Toolkit. This will include things like: which modules have moved where, what's being done differently, and making TT2 plugins work under TT3 (hopefully most will just work without any changes, but that depends on how deep they probe into TT).

Template::TT3::Developer::Modules will give an overview of what modules comprise the TT3 code base.

Template::TT3::Developer::Factory will talk about factory modules like Template::TT3::Engines , Template::TT3::Dialects , and so on. It will explain how they're all derived from Badger::Factory (via the thin Template::TT3::Factory subclass) and constructed using the Template::TT3::Factory::Class metaprogramming module which is itself a subclass of Badger::Factory::Class and Badger::Class . It will explain the benefits of using factory modules. Things like being able to centralise and standardise the behaviour, change the search path, automatically load XS modules as and when they become available, and so on.

Template::TT3::Developer::Compiling will be an introduction and overview of how templates are scanned, parsed and viewed. It'll talk about tokens, elements, trees, expressions and other gory details. Maybe this should be called "T~T~D~Dialects"

Template::TT3::Developer::Scanning will talk about the scanning process and look in detail at tags, tag sets, and how to implement your own custom tags. Not sure about the name of this, but it'll do for now.

Template::TT3::Developer::Parsing will talk about the parsing process. Not sure about the name of this either.

Template::TT3::Developer::Viewing will talk about creating views of template trees and token lists. Not sure about the name of this either.

Template::TT3::Developer::Running will explain how templates are executed. Another sucky name here.

Template::TT3::Developer::Services will talk about writing services. last modified 2009-12-13 20:43:16