
[% bold = sub(text) { "<b>$text</b>" } # explicit braces bold = sub(text) "<b>$text</b>" # same thing as above - no braces bold(text) = "<b>$text</b>" # same thing as above - syntactic sugar %] [% bold('Hello World') %] --EOF--
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Thus Spake Andy:

The sub command can also be used to create anonymous subroutines as part of an expression. In the first two lines we create an anonymous subroutine and assign it to the bold variable. The end result is exactly the same as the code on the previous slide. The third line shows a bit a syntactic sugar that allows you define a function by putting the parens on the left side of the assignment operator. It gives us a very simple, lightweight syntax for defining macro-like functions. No more explicit MACRO directive required!