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Template:TT3::Element::Whitespace - base class element for ignorable whitespace


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This module implements a subclass of Template::TT3::Element to represent ignorable whitespace. It acts as a base class for the Template::TT3::Element::Comment and Template::TT3::Element::TagStart element modules, among others.


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This module implements the following methods in addition to those inherited from the Template::TT3::Element , Template::TT3::Base and Badger::Base base classes.


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An alias to the next_skip_ws() method inherited from the Template::TT3::Element base class.


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This skips the $token pointer ahead to the next token following any whitespace and/or delimiters.


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This method skips over the whitespace token and any subsequent whitespace tokens, then calls parse_expr() on the next token. In effect, if you call parse_expr() on a whitespace token, it will automatically skip over the whitespace and return the next expression if there is one.


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Like parse_expr() , this method skips over the whitespace token(s) and calls parse_body() on the next token.


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Like parse_body() and parse_expr() , this method skips over the whitespace token(s) and calls parse_pair() on the next token.


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This method is called by a Template::TT3::View object as part of the double dispatch process that is used to render views of template elements. It calls the view_whitespace() method against the view object passed as the only argument, $view. It passes itself as an argument to the view_whitespace() method.


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Andy Wardley


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Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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This module inherits methods from the Template::TT3::Element , Template::TT3::Base and Badger::Base base classes.

It is constructed using the Template::TT3::Class::Element class metaprogramming module.

It is itself the base class for the Template::TT3::Element::Comment and Template::TT3::Element::TagStart modules. last modified 2009-12-23 13:54:29