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Template::TT3::Service - base class template service module


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# an example of a service class
package Template::TT3::Service::Header;

use Template::TT3::Class
    version => 2.70,
    debug   => 0,
    base    => 'Template::TT3::Service',
    config  => 'name=header';

sub serve {
    my ($self, $env, $pipeline) = @_;

    # fetch the header template if there is one
    my $header = $self->template( $env )
        || return $pipeline->( $env );

    # process the header and then the rest of the pipeline
    return $header->fill_in( $env->{ context } )
         . $pipeline->( $env );



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This module implements a base class for template service modules. A service is responsible for modifying the generated output from a template in some way. For example, adding a header, footer, etc.

You should start by reading the documentation for Template::TT3::Services which provides an overview of services and service pipeline.


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The base class service module defines one optional configuration item.


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Many services are involved in processing an additional template, e.g. a header, footer, wrapper, etc. This default option is provided for that purpose. Subclasses may ignore this option if it is of no relevance and/or define their own.


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This module implements the following methods in addition to those inherited from the Template::TT3::Base and Badger::Base base class modules.

serve(\%env, $pipeline)

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This is a stub method in the base class that should be re-defined by service subclasses.


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This method creates a service pipeline subroutine around the service.

my $pipeline = $service->connect;

See Template::TT3::Services for further details.


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Returns the name of the default template specified via the template option.


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Returns a template object for the default template specified via the template option. It is fetched from the context that must be provided in the environment passed to the method.


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This method is called by the connect() method when called without a source $pipeline to connect to. In most cases this is an indication of incorrect usage and the method throws an error accordingly. However, some services (most notably Template::TT3::Service::Input ) do not require a source pipeline as they usually sit at the start of a pipeline. In this case the module will re-define the no_source() method to silently return without complaint.


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Andy Wardley


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Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


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This module inherits methods from the Template::TT3::Base and Badger::Base base classes. last modified 2009-12-18 08:59:42