Assignment Operators

[% a = b # regular assignment a => b # fat comma quotes LHS: ('a', b) foo( a = 10, b = 20 ) # foo({ a => 10, b => 20 }) foo( a => 10, b => 20 ) # foo( a => 10, b => 20 ) # foo('a', 10, 'b', 20) foo({ a => 10, b => 20 }) # foo({ a => 10, b => 20 }) %]--EOF--
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Thus Spake Andy:

The assignment operator is the same as in TT2 and does exactly what you expect. In TT2 the => fat comma was an alias for =. In TT3 it works just like Perl in simply quoting the bareword on the left. When calling a function/method with named parameters, TT3 will continue to do it's magical thing when you use = (magical being collecting up all named params and passing them as a single hash reference). However, if your function/method isn't expecting that then you can use => just as you would in Perl. You can also explicitly use { ... } to create a hash reference if you prefer. So the general rule is that if you do it the same way you would in Perl (using =>) then it does the same thing that Perl does. If you use = then you get TT magic.